Coastal Outreach Advisory Teams
Get Involved!
Coastal Outreach Advisory Teams (COATs) are intended to increase local awareness and understanding of, and engagement in the flood study process, as well as awareness and understanding of the risk from flooding and other natural hazards. COAT members actively participate in periodic meetings to discuss outreach and communication opportunities, identifying potential issues, and providing input on strategies and tactics for communicating about flood risk and other natural hazards. COAT members include local partners, community officials, federal agency partners, representatives from non-profit organizations, academic institutions, and the private sector.
In FEMA Region II, there are 2 COATs currently active. The New Jersey and New York COAT focuses on the coastal flood study underway and general flood risk for this region. The Puerto Rico COAT focuses on the unique flooding and natural hazards associated with the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
Handouts from past COAT meetings and other resources are provided below.
Puerto Rico COAT
Meeting 2 (June 6, 2013)
Meeting Summary
Meeting Summary (508 Compliant .TXT File)
Meeting 1 (April 4, 2013)
Presentación COAT (Comité de Apoyo y Comunicación para Recomendaciones Costeras) 4 de abril de 2013
COAT Kickoff Meeting Presentation (April 4, 2013)
Outreach Materials
Avoiding Hurricane Damage: A Checklist for Homeowners
What is Risk MAP?
Mitigation Planning
FEMA Mitigation Works
National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program
The following documents are available in both English and Spanish through the links below:
Flood Preparation and Safety
Your Homeowners Insurance Does Not Cover Floods
Protecting your Home and Property from Flood Damage
Preparación y Seguridad en Inundaciones (Flood Preparation and Safety)
Su Seguro de Vivienda de Residencia no Cubre Inundaciones (Your Homeowners Insurance Does Not Cover Floods)
Cómo Proteger Su Vivienda Y Propiedad De Los Daños Ocasionados Por Inundaciones (Protecting your Home and Property from Flood Damage)
Comunicaciones de Emergencia en Desastres (Disaster Emergency Communication Kit)
Asistencia De Mitigacion Contra Inundaciones (Mitigating Flood Impacts) (
New York/New Jersey COAT
For more information about the New York/New Jersey COAT, please contact Lisa Auermuller at
COAT: An Introduction and Invitation to Participate
Coastal Outreach Strategy Handout
Coastal Outreach Strategy Handout (508 Compliant .TXT file)
New York/New Jersey COAT Partners